Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My new adventure...Korea!

Well, I've officially sailed around the world! Actually, my voyage on Semester at Sea ended over a year. It's something I will treasure forever. Unfortunately, I never finished my blog off right because as soon as we hit Vietnam I was too pressed between classes, friends, and exploring East Asia to write posts. However, I never took this blog down. I never took it down because on some level, I fully expected to have new adventures to write about.

Over the past year, I've turned twenty-one, seen Chicago for the first time, done a mission trip to Honduras, and I'm still humming along at WKU.  There have been plenty of adventures to write about, but one thing has finally forced to resurrect this blog as a place to record my spirit of adventure...I'm in Korea. No for real! After twenty-four hours of car rides, flights, and train trips I've finally made it to my hostel in Seoul. I'll be taking classes at Yonsei University and doing a research project on the side to boot.  This should be an awesome adventure! I'll give my blow by blow here...but that will come later because I'm about to go hiking.

This is the original building of Yonsei University's campus. Pretty sweet, huh?

P.S. Thank you to the Korean man in Sinchon station for not leaving me trapped within the subway when my transit card stopped working. If you ever read this, you're awesome!

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